And, It’s Gone!
It’s important that bankers understand how a significant portion of the world views them. Bankers and other corporate types spend a lot of time meeting with each other in conferences that often affirm their own…
It’s important that bankers understand how a significant portion of the world views them. Bankers and other corporate types spend a lot of time meeting with each other in conferences that often affirm their own…
The prose is often turgid, and the sex scenes can be unintentionally laugh out loud funny or cringeworthy, but Atlas Shrugged, a 1957 novel written by Ayn Rand remains relevant and raises many issues for us as…
A recent article on the Financial Brand website discusses the disturbing phenomenon termed “Quiet Quitting,” yet another movement that erodes the focus on work and worker productivity.
Of course not! Each of these companies, and many…
I’ll never forget our Board presentation to a bank that disappeared long ago. Our final recommendations detailed steps the bank should take both to reduce costs and stop the hemorrhaging of its loan portfolio…
Last week’s newsletter focused on why bankers are leaving banking as well as the challenges banks face in attracting and retaining young employees many of whom seem to require the care and attention of rare orchids…
There is an undeniable trend occurring in the banking industry. More experienced bankers are opting out of banks to join non-bank Fintechs, technology firms, credit unions, and other escape pods. At the same time banks…
We live in a world populated by experts who are confident in providing solutions for many aspects of our lives. It may seem strange for a consultant, a self-proclaimed expert, to say this, but relying on experts to guide or in some cases determine our actions is…
The brief graphic that accompanies this newsletter summarizes in a few seconds the type and extent of change that has occurred in our office environment from 1980 until 2014. Changes are still occurring, underscoring the dynamic situation that managers…
As all readers know, Putin has managed to put strains on and inflate all aspects of our national economy. But Putin was unprepared for the resourcefulness and persistence of one man: Maurice. Let me explain how this Miami man undermined the Russian war machine.