We have worked with some of the largest and most premier banks in the U.S and the world in the small business and commercial areas. However, in recent years our focus has shifted to regional and community banks as well as non-bank players. These banks have substantial growth opportunities both in current and new markets but also face challenges related to internal organization and skill levels, segmentation, and productivity requirements. The alternative players operate with a “glass-breaking” approach that FIC believes over the next five years will revolutionize both the payments and lending spaces. We work with Private Equity firms during their due diligence process and as they invest in bank and nonbank players providing specific go/no go recommendations as well as highlighting areas for future focus.
Regional Banks | Community Banks | Alternative Finance | Alternative Payment | Private Equity
Case Examples:
$30B West Coast Bank
A West Coast bank faced productivity and profit issues related both to its small business and middle market groups. Developing an objective “fact base” that presented a detailed quantitative picture of current performance lead to recommendations related to improving productivity, staffing, and the groups’ organizational structures.
$5B New England Bank
A successful community bank wished to increase its focus on the small business customer. We assisted in determining priority products, aligning the branch system to serve this segment, and introducing specialty bankers to support expansion with this segment.
$20B Southeast Bank
This bank with a heavy commercial finance emphasis organized itself in a series of silos. We worked with management to take advantage of strong client satisfaction by introducing the targeted cross sales of additional products, increasing client retention and revenues.
$12 Billion Bank
Faced with a declining local economy and continued volatility in its corporate loan performance, this bank needed to increased productivity and build both wallet and market share. We analyzed the internal roadblocks impacting productivity and provided specific recommendations and next steps concerning required changes to internal processes and job roles and responsibilities to allow increased cross sell and new client acquisition.
Private Equity investor
We lead the due diligence process for a potential investment in a New York City- based commercial bank, analyzing loan files and risk management procedures. Our client invested in the bank with that bank subsequently sold to a fast growing regional player.
Alternative Finance
We worked with an alternative finance startup introducing them to potential bank partners for their loan offer.